Supporting good causes in Bierton & Hulcott

We give grants to support the community

We support education, community groups and individuals over a wide range of worthy causes.

Grant Application

If you’re a local community group, club, organisation or an individual with a specific cause or need that you would like us to support.

Apply for a grant

Student or Apprentice?

If you are a Student or Apprentice normally resident in Bierton or Hulcott and pursuing further education studies or training we can provide a grant to support your studies. Closing date is 31st December of the academic year.

Apply for a grant

The Griffin's Legacy

As a most generous parting gift to the parishes of Bierton & Hulcott, well known local farmer Mike Griffin left his estate in trust for the charitable benefit of the community. The Trustees of the Mike and Claire Griffin Charitable Trust seek worthy and charitable causes that can be supported in the name of the Griffin’s legacy.

Find out more
The Griffins

years so far
grants made