

1st Bierton Scouts trip

The Trust supported a Scouts end of term trip to the Phasels Wood activity centre by funding the cost of some of the activities whilst they were there.

Bierton School Imagination Gaming

Making maths fun was the plan! The Trust provided a grant to fund the Imagination Gaming day at Bierton School where both pupils and parents had the opportunity to see just how much fun maths could be!…

There but not there…

To mark the 100 year anniversary of armistice day and in memory of those few who never returned from war to Bierton & Hulcott.  The Trust assisted with the purchase of 6’ Tommy silhouettes and 18 Perspex silhouettes that occupied chairs in the church.

Bierton Rec Cricket Nets

The Trust provided a grant to the Parish Council for the replacement and renovation of the cricket nets at the rec.

Volunteering trip

Hulcott resident and student, Mila Fenton O’Creevy volunteered for three months in the East African country of Tanzania where she worked with students teaching them life and communications skills. In a report in the Bucks Herald Mila said: “The trust donated £350... more

Young Enterprise at Bierton School

Young Enterprise is a leading business education charity.  It was set up in the UK in 1963 and has worked with over four million young people to give them the skills they need to succeed in life and work. The Trust provided a grant to provide 50% of the funding…

Neighbourhood Plan

The Trust provided a grant to support the development of the Bierton with Broughton Neighbourhood plan.

Crafty Cuppa

Crafty Cuppa is a social craft group for the residents of Bierton. It is to help combat social isolation and to provide support to the community where we are able. Examples of projects are: Knitted sensory muffs for dementia patients at Hulcott Nursing home, Tiny clothes & blankets for the…

Bierton FC

To help re-establish a football team in the village the Trust provided a grant to help with the set up of the new team.

Bierton School toilet refurbishment

With the expansion of the school new toilets were built for the junior pupils. This left the older children being asked to use the older (and well used!) facilities. This was causing a bit of tension so the school asked if the Trust could help. A substantial grant was provided…